The Council Of College Of Law
For The Academic Year 2021-2022

College Council Members Body

Chairman of the Board  (Dean of college ) Mr. Dr. Tariq Kazem Ajeel
member    (Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs) Asst.Prof.Dr. Haider Ali Mezher
member   Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs) Mr. Dr. Mohammed Jassim Mohammed
member   (Head of the private law department) Asst.Prof.Dr.Mortada Ashour Juma
member (Head of the Public Law Department) Asst.Prof.Dr.Khaled Kazem Odeh
member  (Secretary of the college council) Asst.Dr.Sinan Abdul Hussein Saleh

Engineer Furqan Adel Mohsen

Powers of the College Council

Scientific Powers

Develop an admission plan for preliminary and graduate studies according to the scientific department or branch, its special conditions, and follow up on the implementation of that plan.
b- ) Developing plans for scientific research, providing educational requirements, and providing specialized professors within the teaching staff.
c- Laying out plans to create scientific departments and branches, research centers, proposing merging or canceling scientific departments or branches, and distributing scientific materials and curricula to academic levels.
d- Approving the plans of the scientific departments regarding inviting visiting professors.
e- Approving the titles of the theses, setting the date of the comprehensive examination, naming the supervisor and co-supervisor, announcing and ratifying the results of scientific discussions, and adding or deleting postgraduate subjects.
f- Recommendation for the development and opening of postgraduate studies, their scientific curricula and their annual and five-year plans.

Administrative powers:

a- Approval of the transfer and placement of teachers, technicians and administrators within the university formations, in coordination between the two parties to the transfer.
b- Supervising the affairs of the college in the light of what the dean and department councils provide.
c- Preparing the faculty’s staff before the end of the academic year inside Iraq for the faculty’s employees, based on the proposal of the concerned scientific department or branch.
d- Suggesting study leaves inside Iraq for faculty members, based on the proposal of the relevant scientific department or branch.
e- Proposing the secondment of teaching services, or granting them study leave and fellowships outside Iraq, based on the proposal of the competent scientific department or branch.
f- Approval of a full-time faculty member inside and outside Iraq in accordance with the regulations
g- ) Approval of changing the addresses of technicians and administrators within the faculty in accordance with the provisions of the laws, regulations and instructions in force.
h- The College Council may form committees to perform its scientific, administrative, financial and educational tasks.
i- Imposing disciplinary penalties on students according to the instructions in force.
j- Considering all other affairs in the college referred by the dean to the college council.
k- Supervising the implementation of regulations and instructions regarding scientific and administrative matters and student activities in the college
l- Recommending the assignment of members to the teaching staff and lecturers for postgraduate studies, according to the periods and needs determined by the departments or branches.
m- ) Recommending matters referred by the Minister or the University President.
n- Suggesting a plan for the rehabilitation of scientific and administrative cadres.
o- Suggesting a plan for cultural relations.

Financial Powers:

a- Proposing the annual budget plan, the annual import curriculum, and the annual investment plan.
b- Recommending the approval of the final accounts of the college.
c- Approval of: the decisions of the committees related to write-off, appraisal, rent and sale of movable and immovable state property in accordance with the provisions of the law.
d- Approval of preparing designs, maps and bills of quantities for the works and projects related to them and included in the regular or investment budget. Assigning those designs for contracting for their implementation in accordance with the provisions of the law, the order and the relevant conditions.

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